p. 69-70: Who are Emma, and Albion Tourgee, and why is Donati’s Comet mentioned in … Ohio?
p. 71: What is remarkable about Kingsville Academy (go to 75: “we shall all come out some distinguished Literati, as we are near a flourishing academy?
p. 72: What “grand privilege” did Albion see in making it on his own?
p. 73/74: What do we learn about life in Massachusetts and in Ohio in mid-19th century?
p. 76: ANy thoughts why Milton was allowed to be read by Albion but not Scott?
John Milton’s dictating Paradise Lost to his daughters
OF Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast
Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed,
In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth
Rose out of Chaos: or if Sion Hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flow'd
Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th' Aonian Mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime.
And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all Temples th' upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first
Wast present, and with mighty wings outspread
Dove-like satst brooding on the vast Abyss
And mad'st it pregnant: What in me is dark
Illumin, what is low raise and support;
That to the highth of this great Argument
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justifie the wayes of God to men.
p. 76-77. What do we learn about Ohio’s own North-South divide?
p. 78-80. How is Albion described? What are his memorable features?
p. 81. What does Albion believe about his privileges? Where they earned or where they an accident?
p. 82-86. What is remarkable about Albion’s and Emma’s courtship?
p. 86-87: What caused Albion believe that “in a courtroom the weak could become stronger”? Are these his thoughts or the author’s?
p. The Law School at the University of Rochester offered Albion his chance to “cultivate steadiness of character.” Why was that goal important?